Folk Music & Other Stuff - Folk Music Notebook -March 23, 2025

Limeliters - Power & Glory/ Until We Get It Right

Peggy Seeger - Gonna Be An Engineer/ Best of Broadside
Buffy Ste-Marie - Now That The Buffalo Is Gone/ It's My Way
Judy Collins - It Isn't Nice/ Fifth Album
Joan Baez - There But For Fortune/ 75th Birthday Celebration

Penny Lang - Firewater/ Ain't Life Sweet
Eva Cassidy - Fields of Gold/ Songbird
Rachel Bissex - In the Magazines/ I Used To Be Nice
Faith Petric - Grandma's Battle Cry/ Faith's Favorites

Gathering Sparks - Bringing in the Light/ All That's Real
Kim Beggs - Can't Drive Slow Yodel/ Blue Bones
Connie Kaldor - Relax/ Out of the Blue
Anne Murray - Hi-Lili Hi-Lo/ There's a Hippo in My Tub

Nancy Tucker - Daughters of Feminists/ The Longing
Cheryl Wheeler - Potato/ Sylvia Hotel
Camille West - Viagra In the Water/ Diva's Day Off
Susan Werner - Herbicides/ Hayseed-

Bev Grant - We Were There/ We Were There
Pat Humphries - Never Turning Back/ Same Rain
Ellen Bukstel - By My Silence/ Legacy of Love
Cry Matthews - Changemakers/ Changemakers

Colleen Kattau - Dangerous Women/ Besos Kisses
Deidre McCalla - Shoulder to the Wheel/ Endless Grace
Karen Savoca - On the River Road/ On the River Road
Robin Greenstein - Tears in Heaven / Tears & Laughter

Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer - I Belong to a Family/ Dancin' in the Kitchen
Sloan Wainwright - Thinking Outside the Box/ Bright Side of a Rainy Day
Irish Mythen - Jesus/ Sweet Necessity
Holly Near - I Ain't Afraid/ And Still We Sing

Brother Sun - When I'm Gone/ Weights and Wings